Linc SA, the company behind the Yellow.lu product, is entrusted to the expert hands of David Gavroy – CEO of DG Group. A new direction for the company after 12 years of activity!
On 22 February, Marc Neuen – former Managing Director of Linc SA, led the takeover of his company by David Gavroy – CEO of DG Group. This is a step up for the company, which sees this as an opportunity to develop new projects.
DG Group, a complete ecosystem
Present on the Luxembourg market for more than 10 years, Yellow.lu began with the white and yellow pages and then integrated new functionalities. After consulting several investors, the former owner’s choice naturally turned to DG Group. With entrepreneurship in his veins and passion in his heart, David Gavroy positions himself as a brand and marketing specialist. An insatiable entrepreneur, he welcomed this high-potential project with open arms, always with a conquering spirit despite the economic situation.
“Yellow is already a great brand! We’re going to make it a powerful and essential brand. It must make its customers shine and see further ahead. explains David Gavroy – CEO of DG Group.
Already at the head of the communication agency Noosphere Brand Strategy Sàrl, Noosphere Atelier Publicitaire and the high-level marketing and business model consultancy Z6 Création Sàrl, David is now welcoming his fourth company into the group. The one that was missing, in order to offer a complete ecosystem to the Luxembourg market.
A godsend for Marc Neuen, who did not want to see his company become meaningless after his takeover: “What I liked a lot about David was his vision of using Yellow to support SMEs and actively contribute to the Luxembourg economy. This approach is just as noble as it aims to provide real added value to clients. In addition, the experience of David and his teams in communication and digital allow us to diversify the services offered by and around Yellow.
David also emphasises the aura of the Yellow brand: “Yellow is already a great brand! We are going to make it a powerful and essential brand. It must make its customers shine and see further ahead”, explains David Gavroy – CEO of DG Group.
Helping the self-employed and Luxembourg companies
Not all companies have the financial and human resources to call on the strategic services of a communications agency. This was David’s starting point. Through this acquisition, he wishes to restore Yellow’s credentials and extend the scope of its services. The aim is to give clients greater visibility.
Through this acquisition, the latter wishes to bring Yellow back to its former glory and further extend the scope of its service offerings. The aim is to give customers greater visibility.
In times of crisis, it is more than necessary to make a positive contribution to the Luxembourg economy. How can we do this? By developing ultra well thought-out Yellow packages.
Logo, flyers, digital marketing, qualified leads, referencing, content management, campaigns on social networks and online directory: many terms unfamiliar to craftsmen, VSEs and SMEs but which are finally becoming accessible. Yellow takes the position of a partner, taking care of its clients’ image so that they can concentrate on their core business.
“In the past, Yellow sold efficient services but in a traditional way. Now we want to put ROI at the centre of our concerns. These packages offer Yellow clients a chance to develop their business at a lower cost,” continues David.
A partner for its clients
A real challenger, Yellow aims for ultra-satisfaction of its customers, no longer limiting itself to a commercial relationship. “From now on, Yellow customers will receive reports with an analysis of their performance while they are in regular contact with an advisor. We want to bring trust back to the forefront,” says David.
Shared skills
Although totally independent, the 4 sister companies of DG Group will help each other and pool their skills. Like a real sibling! Whereas Yellow’s mission will be to make its clients shine, the future mission of the Noosphere Brand Strategy agency will be to make them shine more as a brand. If they wish, Yellow clients can also take advantage of the Gliber site models managed by the company Z6 Création Sàrl: easy and accessible sites, for less than €1,000 or in the form of subscriptions.
Determined to be a player that counts, Yellow wants to help the actors of the Luxembourg economy to increase their notoriety in an uncertain period. “An opportunity that would not have been possible without the teams already in place at Noosphere and Z6 Création. I would like to point out that they have allowed me to concentrate on my development activities thanks to a masterfully managed day-to-day operation. I am now looking forward to working with the Yellow team,” concludes David.
A takeover that gives a second wind to the company, the rest of the story is still to be written. The next step for the group is to set up all four companies under the same roof in Oberpallen, each with a dedicated platform.
Want to know more?
Justine Feller – NOOSPHERE (Agence Relations Presse)
Tél. : + 352 26 39 32 32 – 1
E-mail : justine@noosphere.lu

Un partenaire pour ses clients
Réel challengeur, Yellow vise l’ultra satisfaction de ses clients, ne se limitant plus seulement à une relation commerciale. « Désormais, les clients Yellow recevront des rapports avec analyse de leurs performances tandis qu’ils seront régulièrement en contact avec un conseiller. Nous souhaitons ramener la confiance au premier plan », précise David.
Des compétences mutualisées
Bien que totalement indépendantes, les 4 sociétés sœurs de DG Group vont s’entraider et mutualiser leurs compétences. Comme une vraie fratrie ! Là où Yellow aura pour mission de faire rayonner ses clients, l’agence Noosphere Brand Strategy aura pour éventuelle future mission de les faire rayonner davantage en tant que marque. S’ils le souhaitent, les clients Yellow pourront également profiter des modèles de site Gliber gérés par l’entreprise Z6 Création Sàrl : des sites faciles et accessibles, à moins de 1.000 € ou sous forme d’abonnements.
Déterminé à être un acteur qui compte, Yellow souhaite aider les acteurs de l’économie luxembourgeoise à accroître leur notoriété dans une période incertaine. « Une opportunité qui ne m’aurait pas été possible sans les équipes déjà en place chez Noosphere et Z6 Création. Je tiens à le préciser, car elles m’ont permis de me concentrer sur mes activités de développement grâce à une gestion day-to-day me- née de main de maître. J’ai maintenant hâte de collaborer avec l’équipe de Yellow », conclut David.
Un rachat qui donne un second souffle à l’entreprise, la suite de l’histoire restant encore à écrire. Pro- chaine étape pour le groupe : installer les 4 sociétés sous le même toit à Oberpallen avec pour chacune un plateau dédié.
Envie d’en savoir plus ?
Justine Feller – NOOSPHERE (Agence Relations Presse)
Tél. : + 352 26 39 32 32 – 1
E-mail : justine@noosphere.lu